Weekly/Monthly Photo challenge
Weekly/Monthly Photo challenge
Weekly mindfulness meditation
Tamar Amoza
Weekly mindfulness meditation
Name that tune (via zoom!)
Name that tune (via zoom!)
Guess The Movie
Guess The Movie
Live cooking session
Live cocktail session (mocktail is also great)
Dialog café
Tamar Amoza
Dialog café
Object Story Time
Object Story Time
Getting to Know You Bingo
Getting to Know You Bingo
Music League
Music League
Guess The Childhood Story
Guess The Childhood Story
Guess the Hobbyist
Guess the Hobbyist
Most Likely To Awards
Most Likely To Awards
Happy hour Thursday
Tamar Amoza
Happy hour Thursday
Bi-weekly dev learning theme
Weekly update thread
Weekly update thread
Water cooler talks/Coffee chats
Tamar Amoza
Water cooler talks/Coffee chats
Speed Friending
Speed Friending
Weekly VR gaming session
Weekly VR gaming session
Shufuni Hour
nevo david
Shufuni Hour
Bi-weekly (twice a week) group workout - using FitXR in VR
The cool t-shirt contest!
Tamar Amoza
The cool t-shirt contest!
Stars Party
Tamar Amoza
Stars Party
Novu Olympics
Tamar Amoza
Novu Olympics